Baans Shilp
The work of bamboo crafts is done by the tribes: Yal, Ho, God, Pahadiya etc. However, all the tribes know the use and importance of the bamboo. These amazing sculptors prepare many useful and beautiful objects from bamboo. In the items made from bass, soups, baskets, bows used on the shoulders, and trapping of fish trapping are prominent. Now some common utility items such as vase, handbag, etc. are being constructed from bamboo. The work of Vatsa craft is mainly in the districts of Sathalpargana, Ranchi and Singhbhum.Bamboo crafts are not only Jharkhand but also one of the world's oldest and most popular artifacts. The works of this accessible, simple and popular craft, village or city, non resident in every house: exists in some form or the other.