Khadia Dance

Khadia Dance

kadia-danceKhadia Community is a part of ‘Agneya’ family. But Khadias are not as close as Munda, Santhal and Ho are with one another. From cultural view, they have separate existence. Their dances continue round the year according to weather
and specialty of occasion. In their dance too, collectivity is present. At a time, all relations of village-house are connected with cordial relation of dance and music, Khadia community, women dance in a row joining hand with each other.Sometimes, they also dance separately. To dance in more than one line is their style of dancing. The male dancers also join them. The male dancers perform separately as well. Mandar, Nagara, Dhol etc are their favorite musical instrument. The male dance of Khadia community are Hario, Kinbhar, Halka, Doyor, Jadura, Jeth Lahsua, Jethwari, Thadia, Karma Thadia, Jethwari Thoylo, Jethwani Angani, Chait Baisakh Tndia, Lahsua, Sayalo etc.

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