Ledra Shilp

Ledra Shilp

From prehistoric times to modern times, mainly women are considered to be birthdays of different crafts. Especially in the conduct of folk arts and crafts, we are still women of our society. The transporter of the Ladara Craft in the Hazaribagh area of ​​Jharkhand is also the rural women of this area. Ladara i.e. torn-old clothes. These torn-out clothes are made from a beautiful piece which is used to cover the children and the old men. In fact, Kathari is a modern and popular form.

Punch-tier of torn-old clothes in Ladara craft: The floor is sewn like a quilt. Stitching is made from locally made yarn and the design of sewing is also fixed on the basis of imaginative basis. But studying these designs has been found that the designs of soaring and cozy painting have also been made, which have been found in pictures depicted in the caves of it. Thus, the tradition of prehistoric periods can be seen in Kohbhar, Sohrai and Ladara crafts.

Preparation of ladda is mainly used for the use of old saris or small bags. Four of the five syringes are laid side by side on the floor and sewn on the edges. This number can also be reduced on the basis of the availability of anecdote. On the saddle made from the turmeric vermicelli or soot solution, the desired design is made. Then it is stitched with threads of different colors as needed, and the designs on clothes are visible due to the thread. These dyes are decorated with threads of finer designs, which gradually, they gradually get the form of a poly quilt.

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