
Introduction: Farmer is a scheduled tribe of Jharkhand. Farmers - These are not real names. This is called 'Naghesiya'. From the very beginning, they were very hard working in farming. That is why they are made in the 'Kisan' cup. The farmer who cultivates it, is the farmer, but his title is Nagasiya. P. Burn (1901) wrote that due to hard work in agriculture, Raja Lakshman Singh named him 'Farmer'. According to Dalton, the farmer is the son of Pandvi. Trivialoy Hubbleer has also supported that it is sheltering in the forests by being dispersed by Pandavas and being sheltered in the forests. There are many opinions about the origin of the farmer, there are many ideas. There are many opinions in relation to the origin of the farmer. Some people believe that they originate from Nagavans and 'Nagasiya' Nagavsh is bad. It is believed that in the age of sixty, laughing, Nag and Garur caste are mentioned, but Nag and Garur were the chiefs of the race (the lineage). Garuda is believed to belong to Vishnu and to Nagavansh Shankar. Shiva-worshipers with Nagavans and devotees of Gabbavans Vishnu In Treta, there are four references to the tribe, in which the names of Suryavanshi and Chandra Vanshi, 'Pradhanata Chandravanshi King Mankhata and Patalpuri's Vasukhi Nag Kanya, were produced by the name of Nagvanshi-it is also mentioned. Many of these clans and branches were developed from these original ancestry. The state of Nagavishans in Jharkhand began in the year 64. In the Mughal period, these invasions have happened. In that crisis, the name-identification was changed for the sake of their protection; these farmers became 'forest dwellers' and lived with other tribes and backward castes. In the journal 'Kisan-caste-introduction' (written by Yogeshwar Pandey) They believe that they are the native inhabitants of Madhya Pradesh and from there they came to Palamu. AHJ is also located in the Suriguja area of ​​Madhya Pradesh, apart from the Kisan tribe Jarkand plateau.

Financial system: The farmer is mainly agriculturist but is also associated with forests. In the economic life, the forest has an important role. These grow many types of crops. Production is the main cash crop. Collect wood from woods, honey, penta-galactica, tuber-origin, greens. Make ropes from the jungle to bark. All these things have to be used for domestic use, and sometimes they sell something. Their ancestors used to make the stuff of making garbage and agro-equipment and household use, but they have left the business to builds. Some small domestic industries still run. Work as a casual worker also earns money. Ever hunted and eat.

Physical culture: Home - they have settled permanently. Therefore their houses are grown from strong and durable materials. There are often 8-10 houses in a village. The wall is of soil and the roof is of tile or pallet. The strong wood is used in the roof. The house is usually rectangular. These contain up to two to four rooms. Rooms are connected to each other. There is a kitchen in a corner, where there is a stove clay forest. The place to keep the cattle out by peeling out to the edge would be made. The cook house gets very little. There is a door in the house, but the window is not there. In the adjacent place near the door, there is bark where pigs are kept.

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