Kolh got recognition of Scheduled Tribes in Jharkhand in 2083. 32nd tribe of Jharkhand. Due to the new entry of Col in the list of tribes of Jharkhand, statistics are currently unavailable. It is difficult to say how and when the word is used in the Cole. This term is used by the Hindus for Jharkhand region tribals, mainly for Santhal, Muda, Ho, Khadiya and Urwa. Markandeya Purana mentions Coal, Kalkaye and Asur caste. Somebody was called Asur all the Crohralian race. In the Mahabharata, there is a discussion of Col, Kirat, Nishad etc. In the Ramayana, the mention of coal with Sabar, Nishad is found. It is also favored to consider Kolo as part of the sub-caste caste. Cunningham has said that the parties of the colonists used to come from the ancient times to the Sabar name. The statement of Panini is that the word Cole comes out from the word 'total', which is an expression of "all". The form of the original Kempel is considered as Kola, Kora (Koda) or Caller. Cappell (1866) used the term to persuade the Mundari language family. Billford and Colonel Dalton have also supported the use of the Croatian word for the Arcturus (Munda) language. "It is also a fact that Cole is a replica of the word 'horse', some also say Dravidian and Cologarian are of the same basic race. Cunningham has recognized the origin of the country 'Kulith' from the collateral. It is also a fact Indeed, India has been called Koloria for a long time. Sharad Chandra Rai has used "Muda or Kol" in the order of classification of tribes, indicating that Munda and Kol are not beings. In fact, the term Cole is a classical (generic) word that was used for the entire community that was once formed by many parties. In the chronological period, people living in the residual form of geographical separation and cultural erosion or backwardness were marked as an independent 'col' community. Today, it has been done in the form of an independent tribe in the list of Jharkhand's Scheduled Tribes.